Case Study Professional Recruitment

As certified professional recruiters, we are up to the task of targeting and recruiting the perfect candidate for your business in today’s competitive market.

Police Victim Services of British Columbia

In this case study, we will discuss how Chemistry Consulting provided executive search support to the Police Victim Services of British Columbia (PVSBC) in their search for an Executive Director based on the results of an RFP process.

PVSBC is a non-profit association serving more than 90 police-based victim services throughout the Province of British Columbia and is funded primarily by the Province of BC. The association was undergoing a period of renewal as the sector sought recognition as a skilled, specialized profession within BC. PVSBC advocates for funding delivery of a comprehensive, police-based victim service core curriculum and skill development and works to create greater understanding about the role of police-based victim services by police agencies, the criminal justice system, community partners, and the public. The association supports programs by creating opportunities for peer support, communication and standard resources.

After discussions with the President of PVSBC, we established a thorough understanding of their culture and their plans. This insight provided a clear picture of the role of Executive Director, focusing on their key responsibilities, competencies, and likely challenges. This candidate would assign priorities and policies, support the creation of an organizational vision, and provide leadership to all staff and volunteers. The ability to collaborate strategically with community agencies and groups, facilitate research, and plan and develop programs and services are key components that are crucial to the organization’s success, and were identified as requirements for the position.

Using our knowledge of the non-profit sector and our in-depth market research, Chemistry Consulting targeted similar organizations and approached an extensive list of potential candidates considered to be suitable for the position. Acting as partner and brand ambassador to PVSBC, Chemistry used an in-depth and thorough qualification process to generate candidates for further consideration. We conducted full competency-based first stage interviews, including an intense examination of key drivers for individuals and their personal attributes. Based on the information collected from this process, we presented a short-list of qualified candidates to PVSBC and its Board of Directors.

To assist in their assessment of the candidates, PVSBC and the Board were provided with comprehensive interview notes and behavioral profiling analysis, complimented by full facilitation of the final interview process. After a unanimous decision was made to appoint by the Board, our team aided in the negotiation process to secure the candidate of choice.

The successful candidate brought a wealth of Provincial Government experience together with board leadership, governance and stewardship of policy, financial integrity and philanthropy. They created the vision and directed the strategic repositioning of a non-profit housing organization in Victoria, BC. They are also an accomplished public speaker and media-facing representative of organizations, and are competent in spearheading successful fundraising campaigns.

As we conduct business throughout the nation, we would like to acknowledge that we live, work, meet and travel on the traditional territories of
Indigenous Peoples that have cared for this land, now called Canada, since time immemorial.


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