Case Study Professional Recruitment

As certified professional recruiters, we are up to the task of targeting and recruiting the perfect candidate for your business in today’s competitive market.

Indigenous Destinations Saskatchewan (IDS)

Indigenous Destinations Saskatchewan (IDS) was a newly formed organization that was created to be the provincial destination marketing and development organization for Indigenous tourism in Saskatchewan.  As IDS was a start-up organization with no infrastructure as yet, the national organization, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC), stepped in to support and facilitate the recruitment of an Executive Director.  This critical role required an individual with excellent strategic and leadership skills in order to create a new organization with a visionary and exciting new mandate.

ITAC retained Chemistry Consulting Group to oversee the recruitment process, which commenced with the development of a new job description and a job posting that contained a list of education, experience and skills required for the position. The posting was advertised in the following platforms and job boards: LinkedIn, Indeed, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, Nation Talk Jobs, AMIK Jobs, Indigenous Works.  The posting was also promoted through industry newsletters and word of mouth.

A large number of applications were received and pre-screened by the Chemistry recruitment team.  Qualified candidates were invited to interview via a virtual platform, followed by the creation of a short list of individuals who were then invited to in-person interviews with the hiring committee.  An interview guide and score sheet was developed by Chemistry in consultation with ITAC for the hiring committee, comprised of ITAC executives and IDS board members, to conduct lengthy in-person interviews.  

After the in-person interviews, the hiring committee selected final candidates and requested Chemistry to gather references for each, which were conducted and presented back to the committee. After reviewing the references, ITAC selected and contacted the successful candidate and verbally offered them the position with the written offer provided shortly thereafter.  Chemistry made personal contact by telephone to each of the unsuccessful candidates to share the decision, thank them for their interest and to wish them well in their continued job search.

The new Executive Director for IDS brings passion and commitment to the role and a positive, collaborative approach to building the new organization.  Their excellent leadership, relationship building, problem-solving skills and strategic thinking will focus on achieving and meeting the goals set out in the strategic plan of IDS.

As we conduct business throughout the nation, we would like to acknowledge that we live, work, meet and travel on the traditional territories of
Indigenous Peoples that have cared for this land, now called Canada, since time immemorial.


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