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Change Resilience: Actionable Behaviors for Teams and Leaders

By Vivo Team Development

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, change is the only constant. Navigating through change and uncertainties requires a deep-rooted resilience and strategic adaptability. Let’s dive into the principles of change resilience, with a focus on actionable behaviors for teams and leaders to be resilient to change and maintain momentum.

Embrace the Basics: Navigating Short and Long-Term Plans

Start with the basics: balance long-term and short-term planning, clearly communicating any shifts or pivots to the team, and making strategic, informed decisions. Avoid getting sidetracked by every new trend or “shiny object.” Instead, remain focused on your strategic goals while keeping the team informed and engaged in the decision-making process.


  • Regular Communication: Keep the team updated on changes and strategic plans to foster a sense of inclusion and direction.
  • Strategic Focus: Resist the urge to chase every new trend. Stay committed to your strategic goals and evaluate new opportunities against these goals.

The Power of Yes: Small and Big Yeses

Focus on saying “yes” rather than “no,” even if it’s just a series of “small yeses” rather than big ones. A “big yes” is a confident, well-informed decision based on comprehensive data. A “small yes,” on the other hand, involves taking small, manageable risks with the information currently available, allowing for frequent check-ins and adjustments.


  • Frequent Check-Ins: Implement regular check-ins (daily, weekly) to review the progress of small decisions and adjust as necessary.
  • Encourage Iteration: Adopt a mindset of continuous iteration, where small risks are taken, tested, and refined based on feedback and results.

Fostering Collaboration: Leveraging Diverse Strengths

Teams often consist of members with varying risk tolerances and decision-making styles. Some may prefer to take risks first and think later, while others require more information before acting. This is why it’s important to foster collaboration without boxing individuals into rigid roles. Remember those small yeses—they can unlock true collaboration and help to build trust and competence within the team.


  • Collaborative Environment: Promote a culture of collaboration where diverse perspectives are valued and integrated into decision-making.
  • Build Trust: Establish a safe space for team members to take small risks and learn from them, reinforcing trust and confidence.

Strategic Reflection: Short-Term and Long-Term Thinking

Balancing short-term tasks with long-term strategic thinking is crucial for navigating change and sustaining growth. Take time for periodic reflection to integrate learnings and adjust strategies accordingly. Leaders should support their teams in developing strategic thinking skills, helping them transition from tactical day-to-day tasks to broader, long-term planning.


  • Dedicated Reflection Time: Schedule regular reflection periods to review recent activities and plan future actions.
  • Mentorship and Development: Provide opportunities for team members to develop their strategic thinking skills through mentorship and training.

Preparing for the Future: Learning from Past Transitions

Every organization has learned valuable lessons with all the transitions experienced since 2020. These learnings should inform current strategies and help prepare for future uncertainties. Leaders must ensure their teams are resilient and adaptable, capable of navigating ongoing changes and challenges.


  • Past Learnings: Document and reflect on past change responses to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement.
  • Future Preparedness: Use these insights to develop robust contingency plans and enhance the organization’s overall resilience.

Defining Long-Term Goals: The Beacon of Vision

Having a clear, long-term vision, or “beacon,” that guides the organization is paramount. This vision should inspire and direct efforts without becoming bogged down in overly specific, long-term targets that may become irrelevant in a rapidly changing environment. Instead, focus on quarterly and annual milestones that align with this broader vision.


  • Vision Statement: Develop a clear, inspiring vision that serves as a guiding beacon for the organization.
  • Quarterly Milestones: Break down the vision into achievable quarterly milestones to maintain progress and adaptability.

By implementing these actionable behaviors, teams and leaders can enhance their change resilience, navigate crises effectively, and drive sustained growth and success.